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The 4 Great Challenges of Christian Counseling
Pastors must prepare to bear these burdens as they meet with parishioners.
Gary Chapman Doesn’t Know He’s Famous
The top-selling author’s love language books have transformed millions of lives—except, maybe, for his.
A Poet for ‘Bruised Evangelicals’
Malcolm Guite has found himself a sort of tribal elder for younger generations of Christians.
Twitterpated: How Christians Find Love on a Divisive Site
It’s hard to meet people at church these days. Can social media help fill the gap?
Christian Singles Aren’t Waiting for Marriage to Become Parents
As more unmarried women and men foster and adopt, how can the church provide what some nontraditional families cannot?
Police Officers Are Burning Out. Can Chaplains Help?
Spiritual care is essential as stressors among law enforcement rise.
When Tragedy Left Six Kids Orphaned, This Church Stepped In
Within 48 hours, the congregation suddenly lost two of its most active members—and the kids lost their parents.
Master’s Seminary Grad Takes Kanye’s Crowds to Church
How the pastor of a small, nondenominational Bible church ended up in Kanye’s circle.
Muslims Are Celebrating Their Biggest Holiday in Isolation. Christians Know What That’s Like.
How believers can reach out and encourage followers of Islam during Ramadan.
How Prayer Can Prepare Us For Death
The author of Rabbit Room’s “Every Moment Holy” liturgies on what he has learned about grief and hope in 2020.
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